Mark Robberds

mark robberds yogaHailing from Sydney Australia and practicing yoga for more than 20 years, Mark’s path to yoga has been a windy one with storied adventures dating back to his rebellious youth and bold decisions inspired by his against the grain outlook on life. Since then, he has become an internationally recognized yogi who has trained with some of the most respected names in yoga, and has taught and led workshops in numerous countries for the last 13 years. A well-regarded Ashtanga teacher, practitioner and world explorer, Mark is influencing thousands, the world over, with his commitment to his yogic journey, his interest in philosophy, and his wanderlust approach to life.“Yoga has become much more than what I do on a mat, it has become a way of living that helps me to be a better person in all areas of my life. When I first met Troy and Derek they immediately felt like old friends; they felt like family with the combination of surfing and yoga being a thread that connected us. Straight away I was drawn not only by the aesthetic and style of the brand but also its grassroots, independent, non-corporate vision. More important than that was the ecological and ethical principles behind the products – the upcycled, recycled and fairly made practices that make this a brand that I stand by.” — Mark Robberds
Mark Robberds